Keeping skin hydrated in the hot summer months of Phoenix can be hard to accomplish. Below, I have listed a few skincare tricks to keep you moving in the right direction.
First and foremost, drink lots of water! We don’t normally associate water with skincare but in Phoenix, it’s a must have. Even if you do not strenuous outdoor activities it’s still imperative to drink at least a half gallon per day in the heat of the summer. Phoenix Scottsdale is so dry that moisture is literally sucked out of the skin.
Add humectants and occlusive to your regimen. If you are not already using products with ingredients such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid you should be. Sodium hyaluronate holds over 1000 times its weight in water! Shea butter and avocado oil are wonderful to keep the moisture locked in so use them at night before bed to wake up with smoother healthier skin. Beware of occlusive if you suffer from acne conditions.
Watch out for ingredients that can strip the skin of its natural moisture. Antibacterial soaps, salicylic acid, isopropyl alcohol, and hot showers can pull all the moisture out of the skin, leaving it looking aged and weathered.
Skip lip balms that contain menthol, camphor and phenol. Your lips will be even more dry and cracked than before. Instead, make a sugar scrub with jojoba oil or avocado oil to loosen the dead skin. Remove the sugar and leave the residual oil. This will greatly improve your kissable lips!
Keep your skin protected with spf. Using a good uva/uvb protectant made from zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are imperative to keeping the skin glowing and fresh. Photo aging is what causes wrinkles and laxity in the skin and we don’t like that!
Don’t forget to rinse away pool water when you’re done cooling down. Chlorine and salt can over dry the skin, leaving it itchy and uncomfortable.
My daily regimen includes using grapeseed oil on my body immediately after a shower. This locks the moisture in and keeps me from feeling itchy all day. Grapeseed oil can be purchased at your local grocery store for around $9 and will last a long time. For my face, I remove makeup with Oil Up and apply Overnight Detox Mask before bed. During the day I keep it lighter by applying Plump Up and Cover up broad spectrum spf.
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